So tonight is the night. The night all girls can't wait to talk about and the night all men catn not wait to gawk at. That's right tonight is the annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!
With the fashion show being only a few hours away, Stay Tuned felt it was only fair to remember why tonight is the most annoying night on facebook, and to forewarn fitness trainers that tomorrow is the perfect day to offer their services to women who now have an awakening low self-esteem or men who know they need to get in shape to ever land an Angel.
So time to call the girls and plan the most epic viewing party!
Bring food and snacks because hey that's how you celebrate Women!
You promise each other this year you will not let these models get to you!
Then the show starts and every ounce of confidence you just had goes right out the door
But you don't let it stop you, these girls aren't real they're models
Then SHE shows up
She tells you how she does kickboxing and it's so much fun and that's how she's sooooo skinny
You nonchalantly find your old trainers number, just to make sure you have it, that's all
Commercial break comes on and you walk pass your mirror no big deal.
Then reality starts settling, YOU"LL NEVER BE THEM
And once it's over you cry some more and make sure to tell everyone on facebook and pretend like you'll be excited to do it again next year. Let's face it these Angels are here to stay, so if you can't beat them join them!
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